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About Me:

My Name is Mohit Saxena.

A focused and result-oriented professional with 8 years of experience in Web Application Development, Hybrid mobile app development, Software solutions & Project management.

Significant experience of working with technical leads, team members, cross-functional teams, back-end testing team, UI team, DevOps team to get applications deployed in production environments.

Expertise in managing overall software development life-cycle involving requirement analysis, system study, designing, architecture, testing, programming, coding, debugging, defect management & documentation

Insightful knowledge of web-based development using Angular 9, 8, 7, 6, React JS, HTML5, JavaScript, TypeScript, ES6, CSS, SCSS, Angular Material, Primeng, Bootstrap, ReactStrap, Node Npm packages, SQL, MySQL, JQuery, and Restful APIs.

Efficient organizer, motivator, team player, and a decisive leader with the skills to motivate teams to excel and win.

Programming Skills:

React JS, Angular 9, Angular 8, 7, 6, 5, JavaScript, ES6, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS, SCSS, Ionic Mobile App Development Framework, Rest APIs, WordPress

UI Libraries:

Angular Material, Primeng, Material UI, Bootstrap, ReactStrap, Materialize CSS

Third-party Libraries:

Konva JS, Ck Editor, Ag-Grid, Moment JS, Lodash, GPS library, Excel, and PDF packages


MYSQL, SQLite, Index Db, Local storage for web / mobile application

Management Tools:

JIRA, Github, Bitbucket, MS Teams, Trello, SourceTree, Slack, Skype

Dev Environment:

Visual Studio, VS Code, Sublime, NotePad++, Android Studio

Protocol & Approach:

Agile LifeCycle, Git Branching, Pull Request, Sprints & Deployment on DEV, QA & UAT server.

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