javascript interview questions, javascript interview questions for experienced, javascript interview questions jsmount, top javascript interview questions, advanced javascript interview questions What is currying in JavaScript? We can process a function by passing all arguments at once and can return the result. But When a function takes arguments one by one and each time it returns a function that takes […]

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coding interview questions javascript, javascript interview questions for experienced, javascript interview questions, javascript interview questions jsmount, top javascript interview questions, advanced javascript interview questions 💡Write a program to Check the number is Palindrome. function checkPalindrome(str) {     if(str) {         var pattern = /[^a-zA-z]+/g; // first remove spaces and special chars from given string         str = str.replace(pattern, ”).toLowerCase();         var str1 = str.split(”).reverse().join(”);         console.log(str, str1); // for testing         if(str1 == str.toLowerCase()) {             return true;         }else {             return false;         }     } } Output >checkPalindrone(“diD”)  => true > Second way without using any predefined method: […]

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javascript interview questions for experienced, javascript interview questions and answers, javascript interview questions coding, javascript interview questions, javascript interview questions jsmount, technical javascript interview questions, top javascript interview questions, advanced javascript interview questions, javascript interview questions for freshers What is JavaScript? Who invented this? As per Wikipedia-Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the core technologies of the World […]

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