JavaScript Custom Promise | Promise Polyfill 👉Let’s First Write JavaScript InBuilt Promise 💡Understand the Promise approach – Promise function takes one parameter and that is an executable function.– When we call this Promise with the new keyword, it returns a promise object.– Executable function is like a higher order function that takes two function arguments […]

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javascript coding interview question | javascript coding interview | javascript coding challenges | javascript coding practice | javascript coding examples | javascript practice exercises | coding questions in javascript | console programs javascript | javascript interview questions 💡What is the output of the below program? 💡 What is the output of the below program? Explanation […]

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react interview question | react interview question and answers | react interview question for senior developer | top react interview question | interview question react | interview question react js | react interview questions 💡 What is the difference between PureComponent and component? React.PureComponent is similar to React.Component. The difference between them is that React. […]

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react interview question and answer, top react interview question, interview question react, interview question react js, react routing interview questions, react js routing interview questions, react-router interview questions, react routing, react routing questions This Article contains Question of React Router V5 and V6 React Router v6 💡 What are route-matching components? Switch and Route are […]

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react interview questions, interview question react js, top react interview question, react interview question and answers, react interview question, react interview question for senior developer 💡 What is DOM or real DOM? DOM stands for “Document Object Model”. It represents the entire UI of the web application as a tree data structure. In simple terms, […]

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interview question react, react interview questions, interview question react js, top react interview question, react interview question and answers, react interview question, react interview question for senior developer ✔ What is NPX? The npx stands for Node Package Execute and is included with npm. If you install npm above version 5.2.0, npx will be installed […]

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Cyber Security Fundamental Questions & Answers What is a brute force attack? A brute force attack, or exhaustive search, is a cryptographic hack that uses trial-and-error to guess possible combinations for passwords used for logins, encryption keys, or hidden web pages. What is password spraying? Password spraying is a type of brute force attack. In […]

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Application & Web Security Interview Questions ✔ What is the meaning of 256-bit encryption? To transmit electronic documents or data over the internet, we use encryption algorithms and when encryption uses a key of 256-bit length, that is called 246-bit encryption. ✔ What is the Cipher suite? Cipher Suite is a set of algorithms that […]

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Angular Interview Questions & Answers 💡 What is ng-template in Angular? ng-template is a template element that is used with structural directives like *ngIf, *ngFor, [ngSwitch], and custom directives that we create. So what happens here, Actually Angular converts the above structural directive to the below ng-template code: 💡 How can we manually use *ngIf […]

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Angular Interview Questions & Answers 💡 What is property binding and attribute binding? ✔ Property binding in Angular helps you set values for properties of HTML elements or directives.In this example, src is the name of the element property. ✔ Attribute binding in Angular helps you set values for attributes directly. With attribute binding, you […]

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Top 30 JavaScript Interview Questions ✋ What are the features of ES6? Classes Modules Default Parameters > function(height = 50, color = ‘red’) { } Template Literals > Your name is ${first} ${last}. Multi-line Strings >By using backticks. Destructuring Assignment Arrow Functions Promises > ES6 introduced Promises, is a First class representation of a value […]

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NgRx Top Interview Questions and Answers First I would like to thank the NgRx team for such a great library and for the nice documents. Below answers are taken by NgRx official doc.Go to Docs: 💡 What is NgRx? NgRx is a library for building reactive applications in Angular, inspired by Redux, a very […]

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Top 40 Awesome CSS Interview Questions 💡 What is The Viewport? The viewport is the user’s visible area of a web page. HTML5 introduced a method to control the viewport, through the tag. initial-scale=1.0 part sets the initial zoom level when the page is first loaded by the browser. width=device-width part sets the width of […]

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Top JavaScript Algorithms ✋ Binary Search Algorithm Binary search is a faster and more efficient search to find an element in a given sorted Array. Linear search checks every array index element while a given element does not found. If we have an array of 1 to 16 Like [1,2,3…,16].So to search number 15, for […]

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Angular NgModule AOT and DI ✋ What is an alternative to the @Input and @Output decorator? inputs and outputs selectors in component decorator are another way to define input and output properties, If we do like this we don’t need to import @Input and @Output. inputs: [‘name’, ’empId’],outputs: [‘changeName’, ‘updateId’] ✋ What are all types […]

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TypeScript New & Latest Features ✋ What is index signatures in Typescript? TypeScript has a feature called index signatures. These signatures are a way to signal to the type system that users can access arbitrarily-named properties. So in simple words by using index signature, we can defines properties in models that are not pre-known or […]

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Rx JS Top Operators with examples Let’s start operators with definition and examples: ✋ from operator Turn an array, promise, or iterable into an observable. 💡 This operator can be used to convert a promise to an observable! 💡 For arrays and iterables, all contained values will be emitted as a sequence! 💡 This operator […]

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What’s new in Angular 9 Angular 9 release completely switches an angular application to a new fast reliable and performance-oriented compiler by default that is IVY. Angular 9 also introduced improved ways of testing components. How to update to version 9 As per Angular official… ✋ To have the best update experience, we recommend you […]

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What’s new in Angular 8 Angular is one of the most popular and awesome Javascript frameworks for Web and Mobile Application development. And now Angular has finally released it’s latest “Angular 8” on 23-May-2019. This release of Angular is packed up with many attractive features that made Angular 8 unique compared to its previous versions. […]

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JavaScript Top Interview questions What is the difference between __proto__  vs Prototype? Whenever we create a function in JavaScript. JavaScript engine itself adds a property to that function and that is called prototype. This Prototype has a constructor property by default that points back to the main function. We can access prototypes by writing syntax like functionName. prototype. So by Using […]

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