react interview question | react interview question and answers | react interview question for senior developer | top react interview question | interview question react | interview question react js | react interview questions 💡 What is the difference between PureComponent and component? React.PureComponent is similar to React.Component. The difference between them is that React. […]

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react interview questions, interview question react js, top react interview question, react interview question and answers, react interview question, react interview question for senior developer 💡 What is DOM or real DOM? DOM stands for “Document Object Model”. It represents the entire UI of the web application as a tree data structure. In simple terms, […]

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interview question react, react interview questions, interview question react js, top react interview question, react interview question and answers, react interview question, react interview question for senior developer ✔ What is NPX? The npx stands for Node Package Execute and is included with npm. If you install npm above version 5.2.0, npx will be installed […]

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