JavaScript Throttle and Debounce Throttle In software development, particularly in the context of APIs or network requests, a throttle is a mechanism used to limit the rate at which requests or actions can be made.When you want an event to happen only once in an interval & only the first event is used. Understand Code […]

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Insert node in Linked list | Linked list insertion | insertion in a linked list in data structure | Linked list insertion algorithm | How to insert a node in a linked list | Linked list insertion algorithm | Singly linked list node insertion | insert node in linked list program 💡What is a Linked […]

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Quick Sort Algorithm with example | Quick sort algorithm in data structure | Quick sort time complexity | Quick sort space complexity | Quick sort example | Quick sort in data structure | Quick sort program in data structure What is Quick Sort? Quick sort, also known as partition-exchange sort, is an in-place sorting algorithm. […]

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Object-Oriented Programming | Basic concepts of Oops | Oops concepts | Object-Oriented Programming | Solid principles interview questions | Solid principles of Oops | Solid principles javascript | Solid principles in Design Patterns | javascript oops | Liskov substitution principle example | Dependency inversion principle example | Interface segregation principle example | single responsibility principle […]

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Negative Binary Numbers | Negative binary to decimal | Negative binary numbers to decimal | 2’s complement | 2s complement calculator | 2s complement | 2’s complement of binary number | Negative number in binary | Negative Binary Numbers Representation ✔️Certainly! In the binary number system, negative numbers are represented using a system called “Two’s […]

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react interview question | react interview question and answers | react interview question for senior developer | top react interview question | interview question react | interview question react js | react interview questions 💡 What is the difference between PureComponent and component? React.PureComponent is similar to React.Component. The difference between them is that React. […]

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hooks react interview questions, react hooks interview questions, interview questions on react hooks, react questions on hooks, react interview question and answer, top react interview question, interview question react, interview question react js 💡 What is a Hook in React? Hooks are a new addition to React 16.8. Hooks are functions that let you “hook […]

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react interview questions, interview question react js, top react interview question, react interview question and answers, react interview question, react interview question for senior developer 💡 What is DOM or real DOM? DOM stands for “Document Object Model”. It represents the entire UI of the web application as a tree data structure. In simple terms, […]

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Angular Interview Questions & Answers 💡 What is ng-template in Angular? ng-template is a template element that is used with structural directives like *ngIf, *ngFor, [ngSwitch], and custom directives that we create. So what happens here, Actually Angular converts the above structural directive to the below ng-template code: 💡 How can we manually use *ngIf […]

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Why Angular is a Preferred Choice ✔️ Framework is written in TypeScript Having a built-in TypeScript, Angular provides robust tools to create the client-side of web applications. ✔️ Single-page applications (SPAs) It’s time for SPA (single-page applications) and Angular does its best in that.When we run a web application on a browser and do not […]

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React JS Stripe Payment Step 1: You need to create your account on stripe using your Email Id. Sign Up on Stripe Step 2: Activate your account by verifying your email address. You will get a verification link on your email account. Simply click here to activate your Stripe account. Step 3: Get API Key […]

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Create Year Month & Date dropdown List 💡 First, add Font-Awesome style 💡 Let’s add JQuery 💡 Let’s Create UI part of Year, Month, and Date Dropdown. 💡 Let’s put some styles here 💡 Get Fields References using JQuery 💡 Get Values of input fields using JQuery 💡 Now add window.onload method We have placed […]

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Create Custom QR Code Component As per Wikipedia – A QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed in 1994 for the automotive industry in Japan. A QR code consists of black squares arranged in a square grid on a white background, which can be read by an imaging […]

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How to create a common Helper class 💡 Create a folder named util inside the src folder. 📁src > > 📁util 💡 Let’s create two JS files named Helper.js and util.js. 📁src > > 📁util – 🟠Helper.js – 🟠util.js 💻 Helper.js This is a Class file that contains several commonly used methods with static type. […]

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React Build Routing with Fixed Header To Implement Routing in React, we have required two major libraries You can find the official document of React Router here. 💡 Imports which are required: In this article, I will show you how to implement React Routing functionality. In Single page application, Routing is the most important feature […]

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React Create Dashboard layout ▶ Understand dependencies first 💡 Install react-pro-sidebar 💡 Install react icons to get more icons 💡 See reactstrap official documents 💡 You can install React FontAwesome from the below link 💻 You can create a new react project with the below command 📁 index.js index.js file is […]

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Web Application Security Best Practices Is Web development only writing codes that work and run successfully? Not true. It is also about writing code that is secure and safe from vulnerabilities.A number of common vulnerabilities are coming in web applications. Some of those are because of bad coding practices, irregularities in patching updates, misconfiguration of […]

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NgRx Top Interview Questions and Answers First I would like to thank the NgRx team for such a great library and for the nice documents. Below answers are taken by NgRx official doc.Go to Docs: 💡 What is NgRx? NgRx is a library for building reactive applications in Angular, inspired by Redux, a very […]

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JavaScript Rotate 2D matrix at 90 deg clockwise without creating another array 💡 2 Dimensional matrix array is n * n matrix that is created by using rows and columns. Mostly we represent row with i and column with j. So in case, we have to pick an element from the matrix we use 2D […]

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