Angular HTTP Request Testing HttpClient is introduced in Angular 6 and it will help us fetch external data, post to it, etc. We need to import the http module to make use of the http service. To start using the http service, we need to import the module in app.module.ts as shown below − HttpClientTestingModule  is used […]

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Konva JS Event Handling As per Konva doc – Konva is an HTML5 Canvas JavaScript framework that extends the 2d contextby enabling canvas interactivity for desktop and mobile applications. Every thing starts from Konva.Stage that contains several user’s layers (Konva.Layer). Each layer can contain shapes, groups of shapes, or groups of other groups. Event handling is a […]

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JavaScript Top Interview questions What is the difference between __proto__  vs Prototype? Whenever we create a function in JavaScript. JavaScript engine itself adds a property to that function and that is called prototype. This Prototype has a constructor property by default that points back to the main function. We can access prototypes by writing syntax like functionName. prototype. So by Using […]

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javascript interview questions, javascript interview questions for experienced, javascript interview questions jsmount, top javascript interview questions, advanced javascript interview questions What is currying in JavaScript? We can process a function by passing all arguments at once and can return the result. But When a function takes arguments one by one and each time it returns a function that takes […]

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javascript interview questions for experienced, javascript interview questions and answers, javascript interview questions coding, javascript interview questions, javascript interview questions jsmount, technical javascript interview questions, top javascript interview questions, advanced javascript interview questions, javascript interview questions for freshers What is JavaScript? Who invented this? As per Wikipedia-Alongside HTML and CSS, JavaScript is one of the core technologies of the World […]

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upload Image in Node JS Multer is a node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading files. It is written on top of busboy for maximum efficiency. NOTE: Multer will not process any form which is not multipart (multipart/form-data). Let’s add multer packge in our app. npm install multer –save created a file > file-upload.js […]

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HTML canvas draw image, draw an image on canvas javascript, draw image on canvas html, HTML5 canvas draw image, HTML5 canvas draw a line, HTML5 canvas draw a rectangle, HTML5 canvas draw a circle, HTML5 canvas draw text Please see the above image. Let’s create this using CANVAS and its graphic design methods using JavaScript. […]

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HTML interview questions, HTML questions for practice, html coding questions, HTML canvas examples, interview question html, interview question of HTML, interview question html css, interview question on html, html interview question and answer, top html interview question What is Context in Canvas? Canvas in an HTML 5 element that is used to draw graphics and […]

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JavaScript Console Interview Questions Write a program that can produce the same result by below two ways. Shift all Negative numbers of the array at starting and positive numbers after that in the array. Example : var x =[15,-4, 10, 12, -12, 10, -11, 23, 8372]; output should be :output is > [-11, -12, -4, […]

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hoisting interview questions, javascript interview questions, javascript hoisting interview questions, javascript hoisting tricky questions, hoisting in let and const, javascript coding exercise 💡 JavaScript Hoisting is a process to add variables declarations and function declarations to the top of memory inside the JavaScript Data Structure during compile time. That data structure is called Lexical Environment […]

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JavaScript ++ operator, javascript increment operator, increment operator in javascript, increment and decrement operators in javascript with examples, javascript decrement operator, JavaScript ++, javascript operator — — -I am sure that you all will be confused on above questions and it’s output… Confusion !!!!! Let’s explain it in a simple way. You probably learned that […]

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