queue using linked list | Implementation of Queue using Linked List | Queue in Javascript | queue js | javascript queue implementation | javascript queue data structure | queue data structure javascript | javascript queue example

The queue rule says that insertion takes place at one end and deletion takes place at the other end, i.e., First In, First Out(FIFO).

A queue is a linear data structure that follows the First in, First out principle(FIFO).

It can be implemented using an array and linked list. The benefit of implementing a queue using a linked list over arrays is that it allows to grow the Queue as per the requirements, i.e., memory can be allocated dynamically.

A good example of a Queue is a Ticket window, where the customer who comes first will be served first.

Queue =        [4, 5, 3, 1, 9, 6]
            -> Entry            -> Exit
            (Front)                (Rear)
            (Enqueue)              (Dequeue)

 Operations on Queue –

1. enqueue(x) = Insert element at rear end

2. dequeue() = Remove element from front side

3. isEmpty() = Check queue is empty or not

4. front() = Get front element

5. rear()  = Get rear element

Implementation of Queue using LinkedList

In Linked List Implementation, We will track the Head and Tail both nodes for processing.



head / tail

[2] => [4]
head    tail

[2] => [4] => [7]
head            tail

[4] => [7]
head    tail

head / tail

[7] => [5]
head    tail

Create a Node Class

class Node {
    constructor(value) {
        this.data = value;
        this.next = null;

Queue Class Design

class Queue {
    head = null;
    tail = null;
    constructor() { }
    enqueue(value) {
        const node = new Node(value);
        if (this.head == null) {
            this.head = node;
            this.tail = node;
        } else {
            this.tail.next = node; // make new node to current tail next element
            this.tail = node; // now make tail to last newly added element
    dequeue() {
        if (this.head == null) {
            return null;
        // we know that we have to remove node from front :: And front is head so just make head.next to head
        let node = this.head;
        if (this.head.next == null) { // means there is only one element
            this.head = null;
            this.tail = null;
        } else {
            this.head = this.head.next;
        return node.data;

    isEmpty() {
        return this.head == null;
    front() {
        return this.head ? this.head.data : -1;
    rear() {
        return this.tail ? this.tail.data : -1;

Run above Code

const q = new Queue();


    "data": 3,
    "next": {
        "data": 7,
        "next": {
            "data": 9,
            "next": {
                "data": 11,
                "next": {
                    "data": 13,
                    "next": null

console.log(q.front()); ===> 3

console.log(q.rear()); ===> 13

console.log(q.isEmpty()); ===> false



    "data": 11,
    "next": {
        "data": 13,
        "next": null

Time Complexity

The time complexity of both operations enqueue() and dequeue() is O(1) as it only changes a few pointers in both operations.
Space Complexity is also O(1).

Implementation of Queue using Linked List | Queue in Javascript | queue js | javascript queue implementation | javascript queue data structure | queue data structure javascript | javascript queue example

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